We design and co-create strategies, services, and programs that champion equity, community, and joy.


We are a multidisciplinary team of designers, researchers, strategists, and storytellers.

Community Led

We design with communities, not for them. We believe in shifting power to ensure the voices of communities are central to designing the services and systems that impact their lives.

Human Centered

We take a human-centered approach. We listen deeply to understand the needs and aspirations of different communities and stakeholders.


We focus on systems change. We unpack root causes and dig into power dynamics, mindsets, and practices in order to identify the necessary levers to reshape systems for the better.


We test new ideas to learn what works. Through prototyping, early and often, we gather evidence as well as feedback that helps us iterate on concepts to make them more effective.


We help realize impact. The solutions we deliver are outcome-driven, feasible to implement, and easy to replicate or adapt with the evolving needs of the community being served.


We democratize beauty. Not only are our solutions effective, but they resonate emotionally and reflect people’s aspirations for themselves and their communities.

Let’s take bold leaps together

Our Process

Our design process is centered in co-creation with communities. Together, we move through loops of making, building, and learning—all in service of driving equitable change.


Listening, inviting, learning, noticing, and sense-making to understand the challenge at hand.

From recruiting community researchers to taking stock of how a system works today, what has shaped it historically, taking an asset-based lens of what is working today, forecasting future trends, and seeking analogous experiences—we immerse ourselves in the design challenge through various lenses and perspectives.


Imagining, building, co-creating, and testing to build evidence towards solutions that work.

By getting out of our heads and using our hands to build scrappy, rough prototypes, we bring ideas to life and give them physical form. We make sure the right people are involved and have set the conditions for radical, safe, and inclusive collaboration and ownership of the ideas.


Stitching our learnings together into solutions that drive bolder action and meaningful impact.

Whether it’s launching a campaign, building a brand, piloting a digital platform, adapting a program, or scaling a service—we marry creativity and rigor to turn ideas into reality. We enable our partners with pilots, roadmaps, and measurement plans to take action and responsive.

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