The Farmers Have Spoken—Show Us the Results

The key principles that guided our design came directly from farmers themselves

1. The Proof is in the Productivity

While researching just how we should design a teff row planter, designer Remy Pieron and the team conducted dozens of interviews with farmers to understand if they were interested, what conditions would make for a decent planter, and how to prove the value of the new device. As usual, the people we were designing for came through loud and clear. Here’s what we heard.

2. Time is on Our Side

People want to know that the planter works before they buy in. Because so many of the people we talked to are subsistence farmers who rely on their crops as a basic food source, many wanted to see test plots before they’d invest.

3. Cost Is a Major Concern

When we spoke to farmers we found that their desire for a row planter is in part because it will save them time when planting their fields.

4. Training Is a Must

Farmers would love to own a row planter on their own, but would be willing to share if the cost is too high to incur alone.

Even though most of the farmers already know about row planting, they want to know how to use the planter, and how to maintain it. The planter would be one of their most expensive possessions, so they want to know they are using it well.

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